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1st International Conference on Dialogical Practices

22.09.2011 - 25.09.2011 | THL, Lintulahdenkuja 4, Helsinki

Syyskuun 22.-24.2011 järjestetään THL:n Lintulahden tiloissa ainutlaatuinen kansainvälinen konferenssi dialogisuudesta. Se käsittelee hyviä dialogisia käytäntöjä ja niitä edistävää tutkimusta. Tervetuloa mukaan – ja mikset ehdottaisi työpajaa kiinnostavasta tutkimuksestasi/käytännöstäsi.

Time: 22nd to 24th of September 2011, Helsinki, Finland

Venue: THL, Lintulahdenkuja 4, Helsinki, Finland

Organisers: Network for Dialogical Practices together with Jyväskylä University, Psychotherapy Training and Research Center and National Institute for Health and Welfare and Dialogic Institute

Deadline for Abstracts: 1st of June 2011

Deadline for registration: 31st of August 2011

We are glad to invite all interested to the first international conference on dialogical practices for developing practices for the best to our clients in difficult crises and in other need for help as well as for those practitioners, who in different disciplines are working with human contexts.

The Network for Dialogical Practices

While the Network for Dialogical Practices developed out of the family therapy field, its focus is much broader. The network focuses on promoting participative professional practices in different professional arenas, including the field of mental health, youth care, education, human resources management. The creation of dialogical space is especially challenging when the participants include those who are usually seen but not heard like children, old people, psychiatric patients, refugees, and illiterates.

Building on existing good practices

We want to make progress by concentrating on resources in relationships and human connections. We want to be IN relationships with clients and meet the complexity and simplicity of their lives. We do not want to control human beings, their problems or symptoms. We position ourselves IN the communication with clients, with our ideas, feelings and bodies. With this attitude we are in the very moment, when we do not know where to go we take the path of the unknown that is open ended. This creates a space of relational responsiveness where all voices can be heard so that resources in and between people can be reached.

Invitation for presentations

The conference program consists of (1) dialogical plenary sessions, (2) workshops and (3) working groups. We welcome your suggestions for workshops, in which you will be in charge for organizing a dialogical meeting on a subject, lasting 45 min to 1.5 hours.

In working groups we will work together for developing dialogical practices. Working groups will meet three times during the conference and prepare a document for the last

Plenary session

We kindly ask you the send your Abstract proposals for workshops of about a half of page as attachment to address

Program sketch

September 22nd

17.30 Welcome to the conference, opening ceremony

18.00 1st Plenary session: Network for dialogical practices – our mission, Peter Rober, Jaakko Seikkula, John Shotter, Justine Van Lawick, Jim Wilson together with Tom Arnkil

19.00 Working groups

20.30 Get together with food, drinks and music

September 23th

9.00-10.30 Plenary session: Family secrets and selective disclosure, Peter Rober and Jaap van Hoewijk

11.00-12.30 Workshops

12.30 Lunch

14.00-15.30 Plenary session Movements and silence. Justine Van Lawick and Jim Wilson

16.00-17.30 Working groups

19.00 Dinner and party

September 24th

9.00-10.30 Working groups

11.00-12.00 Workshops

13.00-14.30 Plenary session: Sharing the outcomes of working groups

14.30 Closing the conference

More information: and on our web site


Information of accommodation and congress issues:

Conference fee: 300 € +VAT 23 % 69 € = 369 €

Early bird registration before 16th of June 2011: 270 € + VAT 23 % 62 € = 332 €


The organizing committee: Tom Erik Arnkil, Finland, Peter Rober, Belgium, Jaakko Seikkula, Finland, John Shotter, United Kingdom, Justine van Lawick, Netherlands, Jim Wilson, United Kingdom

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